I’m Erin. I’m partnering up with the Inspired By Purpose program called Inspire Me Mommy! in which I am part of the community. I’m also a wife, mother, fitness lover and independent consultant with Arbonne, a health and wellness company. This month I am teaming up to help inspire and educate moms about getting healthy from the inside out!
My Story:
A New Mom, Wellness Coach, Business Owner, Teacher & Fitness Lover
I have recently entered the life of
motherhood, and while it is the most beautiful, rewarding experience I’ve had,
it also flips our lives upside down. So
long are the days of CHOOSING to get up at 6:00 in the morning to workout,
taking a shower or bath alone, or running a few quick errands after work. Shoot, I’m lucky if I make it to work on time
without the kid still in the car! (Yep, I’ve literally driven all the way to
work to find my son in the backseat because I forgot to drop him off at the
Being a mom is great, but I
needed something I could do with my son that still was good for me too. I was excited to join Channell’s Inspire Me Mommy! program over the summer because it filled this desire. You know, the desire to talk to someone other
than your kids, to workout beyond picking up the pacifier off of the floor with
the baby in arms, or to just plain get out of the house every now and
again? Yeah, that one!
The other part of having a baby that’s a drag (unless you’re one of those girls we all hate, who leaves the hospital in your pre-preggo jeans) is getting the baby weight off in a timely manner. I experienced this to the max, in fact, I gained 50 pounds...which some might think is not that much until I tell you that I was only 100 pounds to begin with!! Needless to say, I was ready for a change; a change in my physical and emotional health.
The two factors that play the largest roll in physical and mental health, is diet and exercise. So, that’s what I did. I worked out with Inspire Me Mommy!, and I started changing my eating habits. This is how Arbonne came into my life. I was in desperate need to drop a few pounds...the whole wearing the maternity pants long after baby was born was not cute! A dear friend of mine turned me on to Arbonne’s 30 Days to Feeling Fit Program. I loved that this was not a fad or crash diet. This was the opportunity to change the way I thought about food. There’s no calorie counting, cabbage soup, or special pixie pills. This program is good old fashioned clean eating.
My Secret? Clean Eating + Exercise
My son Hudson & I gearing up for our workout! |
Hill Sprints!!! *Ouchie! |
Bear Crawls between Hill Sprints! |
All my fellow Hot Mommas Hard at WORK(out) |
Gotta Loooove Pushups |
Partner abs with my girl Michele! |
My son & one of me best friend's sons playing ! |
Hudson's already ready to pass, run & tackle! He learns from mommy! |
Baby's watch... |
While the Mommies WORK(out) |
Squats with BABY WEIGHT! (Literally!) |
I be up in the gym - workin on my fitness! |
Arbonne's 30 Day Program Focuses on 5 Key Areas of Health:
-Eating clean- This plan focuses on eating organic (as much
as possible) whole foods free of preservatives, additives, pesticides,
hormones, antibiotics, artificial flavors and all other toxins.
-Increasing nutrient intake- Due to the overabundance of pre-packaged and
fast food, many people today are overweight yet malnourished. They carry toxic
fat while their bodies are starving for real nutrition. Eating whole foods,
drinking water, and supplementing with nutrients can reverse this condition.
-Eliminate allergenic and addictive
foods and beverages (Processed
sugars, gluten, soy, dairy, etc)
-Balance blood sugar- Eating foods that have a low glycemic load
can help balance our blood sugar and eliminate cravings for sugar and carbs.
-Support elimination in organs (with a 7-day body cleanse & herbal detox
tea)-We wouldn’t think about going a day without brushing our teeth, let alone
years and years. Because we can’t see our liver, kidneys, and intestines we
forget the important role they play in detoxification. The liver has over 500
functions and the kidneys filter 200 quarts of blood per day. You can hold 5-25
lbs. of waste in your large intestine (colon). All elimination organs need a
“tune up” and proper maintenance.
All 5 areas are supported by Arbonne’s whole food nutritional line that is
certified vegan, free of gluten, dairy, soy, whey, artificial colors, flavors,
and sweeteners.
Some of the products
that make life easier while cleansing include:
protein shakes
free energy drinks
detox tea
loss chews
food vitamins
My Personal Results:
I completed this 30 day program a
couple months ago. I lost 18 pounds, 2
inches in my waist, and gained more energy than I have ever had. But more than that, I gained back my
health. I eliminated cravings and bad
eating habits, and learned how I can provide my family with nutritious, clean meals on a busy schedule. To me, this
was priceless.
When the 30th day came I was
pleasantly surprised to find that I didn’t want to go back to eating the way I
had before. I passed on the donuts at
work, the bread basket at dinner, and the sugary beverages I had craved
before. After experiencing this feeling,
I wanted everyone in my life to feel the same way I did. I joined Arbonne because I believe in this
My Goal
Arbonne’s healthy living programs are
more than just a box of products. When
you make the decision to get healthy with Arbonne, you get support from
coaches, like myself, who have been through the program. You also get access to meal plans, recipes,
and a Facebook support page exclusively for Arbonne clients going through the
My goal is to partner with other women
to help them reach their health goals.
Whether those goals are weight loss, weight maintenance, reversing the
effects of allergenic foods on the body, or just plain helping women make
healthier day to day choices. These
changes are meant to be lifestyle changes, not “diets.” You will feel better, have more energy, sleep
better, and look great!!
So, what are you waiting for? Put your
best foot forward in 2014. It’s never
too late to make a change; your body depends on it!
For more information and how you can order
these products, or attend our January 25th event, email me personally at ereese7@gmail.com.
Interested in joining Inspire Me Mommy! ? Visit Inspired By Purpose to join us each and every Saturday!