As a Personal Trainer and emerging Life Coach / Motivational Speaker, I am always seeking knowledge and inspiration for myself to pass on to my clients, and the lives I influence daily. A major part of my catlyzed process I can attribute to speakers like Tony Robbins, Tara Mohr, Joshua Metcalf, Zig Ziglar, and Eric Thomas (aka ET The Hip Hop Preacher (to name a few!)
Eric Thomas has had a special effect on me, as he has "Lit a fire..!" for me with his words of response to my ideas. In his words, he told me "Get it done!" But, I am not the only one who has truly been hammered down by his enthusiasm and powerful words!
Recently, ET released his T.G.I.F. video series featuring a man by the name of Max Bradley entitled "Thank God I Lost Weight". As soon as I saw Max's story (via Twitter), I had to get ahold of him. As a fitness professional, and someone looking to bring together an online community of aspiring speakers, Max's story is powerful! I've personally shared it with my clients and family, and want to share it here with you (if you haven't already seen it!)
Max was kind enough to do an interview to with me to further get his story out there to my viewers in hopes of further inspiring others with his weight loss journey!
This is what he had to say...
Max: I`m 24 yrs old ,and would describe my self as a outgoing, dedicated, motivated and always striving to be the best person I can be. No matter what I'm doing: from work, to working out, or sports I always want to give and do my best. Love pushing my limits and seeing what possible.
Me: Tell us about your life and goals
Max: I live in Oak Park, Michigan currently. During the day, I work inventory control for a company that liquidates furniture stores, so I get to do a lot of traveling.
My goal is to inspire as many as I can with my story. Eventually I also want to get into personal training and motivational speaking, I know first hand what a lot of people are going through, and definitely feel it's a callling of mine to help. I also, as a more of a personal goal, want to move out west somewhere and start this journey from there.
Me: What's your story? Share your struggle...
Max: Well, I was always on the bigger side (never really huge) early in life. I always played sports so that kept me fit in school, but after high school and organized sports, I progressively got bigger and bigger. During the weight gain, I would try diets here and there, and started doing a little working out; nothing serious.
I was even offered money to lose weight, I tried to lose weight for girls I liked too, but nothing ever stuck. I was always doing it for the wrong reasons. In July 2011, I weighed in at 295-300 lbs. I was going out for a job in Alexandria, VA. They had this amazing gym and indoor basketball court (gym from the video). I said too myself, "It's time to stop living this way. You had your fun, it's time to man up and change things".
Me: What was the hardest part about being almost 300 pounds?
Max: I just decided I was sick and tired of being sick and tired just like ET said. I knew it was my shot for a better, healthier life was now and I had to run with the opportunity. The hardest part was just looking at my self and being so unhappy with myself; knowing that I did this to myself. I was disgusted. Another hard part was my physical limitations. Not being able to do what my friends were doing because of my size.
Also, (I never really told this story before because it was the most embarrassing thing of my life), but I went with some friends of mine we waited in line for bout an hour for a ride. When we got there, I couldnt fit in the harness to the ride and had to get off. It was embarassing. All of these things inspired change...
Me: What changes did you make to your eating and workout habits?
Max: I was in the process of quitting pop/soda drinking and eating fast food. Then, I stopped eating fried foods. At the time, I was working about 65 hrs a week, but committed myself to working out after work every night. I also did tons and tons of research on what to eat, what boosts metabolism and started eating the right way.
I started small because I didnt really have a clue on what I was doing. I did this all by myself: no trainer, no nutritionist. So, I went with what I knew didn't work to determine what I should do. For example, I knew that running on the treadmill killed my knees, so I decided to try the elliptical instead. That process started slow, about a mile at a time. It took me 20 minutes the first time to get that mile in.
I progressively got faster and after 2 weeks of just cardio. I continued to do a lot of my own research on the best type of work outs to do, attempting to find anything that was working for other people. I also watching other people workout at the gym.The bottom line is that I wanted change!
Me: Is being FIT, in your opinion purely physical, or do you feel that it's mental too?
Max: Being FIT is 90% mental for sure. the physical part of this was nothing compared to the mental hurdles I had to jump over. Your mind is a very, very powerful thing. Without having a clear focus and the right environment, you're not going to achieve anything you want in life; not just weight loss.
Me: How do you KEEP your weight off?
Max: Keeping the weight is the hardest part. If you saw ET and Giavanni Ruffin's HBDYWI Part 1 & 2, after I lost weight is were my personal part 2 started. Now I`m redefining the grind, by still eating healthy and continuing to workout. If I stray (which everyone does sometimes), I still know I could put in that work!
Also, always switching up routine, and not always going to the gym to work out! I like to take it outside and get creative with what I`m doing so I never get bored. I also always set new goals. Always striving for that perfect you! The only thing I can think to add right now is that I did is a trainer. I did all the research my self and did not have any expert advice of a trainer or nutritionist; now I want to become an expert! People need to hear my story to help them overcome battles such as mine.
Me: What advice do you have for others looking to acheive a huge weight loss goal, or goal in general?
Max: Don't be scared to watch others! To me, it's the best way to find new workouts. You have to hold your self accountable, and if you eat extra or things you shouldn't, you gotta put in that extra 10-15 mins in the gym that night no excuses/no days off from not only working out, but living that healthy lifestyle.
For me, after I initially lost weight, I fell into this place of over-confidence because you got all these people telling you how good you look and how amazing you are. With all the attention, I lost track of my goals and felt complacent on where I was at. I started eating whatever I wanted because I thought I was invincible and shot up 15 lbs quick. That was hard, but I looked at my self and said "You came this far don't go backwards now".
So it was gametime fo rme. I had to not only re-lose weight I gained back, but had to get refocused and really lock it down; which I did. The KEY to all of this is doing it for YOU, because no one else but your self is going to chose to eat that salad over fast food for you, and only YOU are going to drag your ass to the gym after working 10 hours everyday. When you want nothing more than to lay in bed and pass out, but you do it anyway is when it counts the most.
This goes for most things in life, no ones going to hand you anything you gotta work for it, So once I got back to the gym, I hit it even harder!
Anything you want in life is obtainable by hard focus and determination.
Me: So what are you doing now to further your goals?
Max: Currently still grinding a pushing limits! I am also trying to become a personal trainer and would love to motivational speaking to help others!
Me: Who inspired you to finally make a change?
Max: At the beginning I just started for me, but throughout this process I have found huge influence, and one of the biggest would be my boy ET. Hearing his speeches changed my whole outlook, and really lock down that focus, Also Giavanni Ruffin ! His ambition to succeed is amazing. He is a good role model for hard work, and seeing what it takes to perfect the you! Im also a huge skier, I love it with a passion, and my all time favorite skier is Tanner Hall. He has over come 2 signifigant injuries to where no body thought he'd ever fully recover, but he put in that work through had his road blocks he's coming back.
Me: You want to become a Personal Trainer now that you've lost so much weight & literally saved your own life; what do you want to say to inspire those who are currently struggling with their weight?
Max: I would like to tell you guys your not alone out there, people change their lives for the better all the time, YOU CAN DO THIS!! Keep grinding, stay focused and never, ever let someone tell you you can't do something. Make sure your doing it whatever it maybe for your self and the right reasons because if your doing it for someone else or the wrong reasons it will never stick.
Throughout your journey you will hit road blocks, might even go backwards, but never let your self get down because one bad meal, one bad work out wont ruin month/yrs of work. So stay positive and hold your self accountable because in the end your only lying to/hurting your self.

So there you have it! To all of my clients & readers, make sure to check Max out on Twitter!
*Disclaimer *
I am in no way affiliated with Eric Thomas or Giavanni Ruffin, or any other name mentioned in this blog, other then looking up to them as motivators and life changers! I am simply using this opportunity to help Max further get his story out via my blog, provide opportunity and knowledge to Max in the fitness and speaking reals through my website, and reach my clientele and 8000 viewers in hopes to motivate them regardless of their current struggle! Links to all websites on here are courtesy links to give credit where it is due.
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