Monday, December 31, 2012

Action: More Significant then Motivation

A Letter From Me to You:

New Years Resolutions Considerations

Dear 2013 Goal Setters,

     Action is more significant then motivation alone. Motivation may be present in one's mind, but if you do not ACT upon that motivation there will be no change. Many people say they will do something, but few actually follow through and do it. Interestingly enough, the people who follow through become viewed in society as disciplined leaders who possess a quality or ability that others yearn for, but can not seem to attain. This is not true. You can attain these things through hard work.

     In the world of fitness, I see it all the time. People say they want to lose weight or gain weight (they have a goal), but they do not ACTIVELY pursue their goal on a consistent basis. I often have clients tell me that they are motivated to change, but are not disciplined to wake up early enough, say no to junk food / alcohol, or a host of other excuses.When it comes to nutrition, people talk about eating healthier, and even state that they know what they need to eat, but they don't become active in doing so. In these cases, people KNOW what to eat, but do not take action to choose to eat the way they should. Motivation is not enough. Knowledge is not enough. Action is essential, and it is your choice.

     What does this mean for you? It means that your motivation must be put in to action; even when all of the details are not planned out. Do not focus so much on the end result, but focus more on the process. You will find that all processes have something to teach us. You do not always need to know HOW, but you must know WHY.

     Today is the last day of 2012, and hopefully if you haven't already, you will be re-setting goals for your 2013 New Years Resolutions. Not sure how to set goals that seem attainable? Contact me or a Fitness Professional / Life Coach in your area to keep your focus central on why you have your goals in the first place. If you do not understand WHY you want change, change itself will seem less significant.

Have a happy and healthy new year!

Your Motivator,


You have a choice in all that you do. Make the choices today that your future self will thank you for.

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