Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lasting Transformation: From the Inside, Out

As a personal trainer, I help people daily who desire to transform their bodies in some way, to a new shape, or to take on a new form through 1 on 1 training and group classes. I, on a personal level, am also am in constant pursuit of transforming my body to be more attractive, stronger, better functioning, and healthier. I have lately realized that where most of us fall short and why we fail to acheive long-term / lasting results is that we put much emphasis on the outer result instead of the internal reward.


We all face conflict within ourselves and the choices we make. Today, I feel compelled to address this issue.

I am completely convinced that outer transformations that are not fueled by internal growth are only temporary.

The only truly lasting transformations are those which first take place within. The process beginning within can sometimes feel like struggle or an obstacle because often the outer results are slowed, but the truth is that true strength is developed during the process.


Internal Growth is a process that develops and stretches our mental limits and game, our psychological processing, decision making abilities, spiritual growth, handling of emotions, consistency with discipline, grows our state of gratitude and contentment, and learning to better control our manifestation abilities to get what we want.


Outer physical transformation without internal growth is also possible.

Take for instance the "divorce diet". Often times women (in particular), are so stressed out that they loose a lot of weight. Weight loss in most cases in America is sought after, but if it is a result of stress and lack of nutrition happens it is not healthy. In fact, this type of transformation is very unhealthy.


There are other instances as well where physical transformation may occur that fits an "ideal image" or looks good to outsiders. These transformations may include someone who loses weight by not eating, drinking alcohol, or purging. Of course, over time all of these occurences will show on the outward appearance, but that will not be until after internal damage is done. This is to say that whatever happens inside of us will show itself externally (eventually), and whatever happens externally will manifest a result within.

Love your body, but also love yourself!

Nurture your inner self and spirit, and your inner self will be sure that your body is well taken care of. I have heard before that eating disorders are not just a problem of the body or mind, but also a heart problem. Fix yourself internally, and you will reap external results in the process.

Being extremely honest with oneself is a good exercise. – Sigmund Freud

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