Monday, April 30, 2012

JUST DO IT: Especially When You're Doubted

JUST DO IT. The mindset of a winner.

I`m a Nike girl. I worked for the company in the past, sport only Nike and live by the motto "Just Do It". Such a simple yet powerful statement - JUST DO IT. Today I want to outline that this motto will help you in every struggle you encounter in the health and fitness world, as well as pursuing any goal in your life.

If you haven't set goals recently, or re-evaluated please go find my blog on Goal Setting, and take my challenge. Once you know where you're going, you can put your actions into motion by doing what you need to do to accomplish them. JUST DO IT.

You may have lofty goals like becoming a professional athlete, or compete in some sort of competition, or maybe your goal is smaller like lose 10 pounds, run a 5K or be able to walk for 30 minutes without huffing and puffing. Whatever your goal is, you will experience some feelings of doubt at times. Doubt often comes from our negative views on ourselves; such as feelings of inability or inadequacy. I want to encourage you that these doubts are LIES! Focus on your goals and do what it takes to reach them. JUST DO IT.

So HOW do you JUST DO IT? 

4 Ways:

1. Put In the Work - There is no Substitute.

If you are willing to put in the work, you will UNDOUBTEDLY reach your goals. It may take you longer than it takes someone else to have what you want to have, or the ability that you're working toward, but your goals are about YOU. You have to have the passion, the desire, and the will to succeed to overcome these doubts. Please, do not sit here and make excuses as to why you cannot do something. So maybe it takes you a little more time to accomplish; okay! Does that mean that you can't do it? No! Of course not! So, when you doubt yourself - JUST DO IT anyways! Just do what it takes. Stick to your game plan that you set when you set your goals. If you set goals without a game plan, you will fail. Plain and simple. "Fail to prepare and prepare to fail". I suggest getting your game plan set now. Start today fresh. As my trainer tells me "Today is a new day".

2. Re-Direct Your Energy from Negative - Always Revert to Positivity

You're probably thinking this is difficult. You're right! Some days, it can be. Some days everything and everyone seem against you right, but you know what? You're goals are not about others - they're about you! If your goal is driven by negativity or driven for the purpose of others, you will experience a lot more negativity then you need to. This is dangerous ground to walk on because anything done out of negativity or fueled solely by negativity will attract more negative energy. So rid yourself of this and think about why YOU want this. What positive change will accomplishing your goal bring to your life? What opportunities will you open up if you keep a positive attitude when things get tough?

3.Do Not Quit - Ever.

Sometimes we will work and work and work and work and work, and see minimal result. Sometimes we will even fall flat on our faces and fail. You know what Michael Jordan said? He said: "I have failed over and over again, and that is why I succeed". The best part about failing? You will learn how badly you want something. Even though you failed once, twice, three times... are you going to give up? No!

Sometimes, we will be told by parents, mentors, bosses, coaches, friends that we just aren't going to accomplish something, or it's just not our time or that we should probably choose another route to take. Another profession, another goal should be the focus, we should do something that makes us more money, or we should choose a sport more appropriate for our body type. These are things most of us have heard. Ask yourself, how bad do YOU want it?

Sometimes life happens. We have stressors that show up out of no where. Everything is going good, and then BOOM! When it rains it pours. There is a very specific sense of confidence and achievement that you breathe in to your life when you overcome roadblocks and obstacles. You will gain strength that you can pull from the next time you need it.

4. Accept that you are a Work in Progress. Progress is a Process.

Any person who is successful at achieving their goals will tell you that PROGRESS IS A PROCESS. As a Personal Trainer, I see more people give up because they want instant results, and they don't get them in the timing that they want them; so what do they do? They give up. You know what else they do? They come back to my desk the next year or before their next vacation asking, begging, pleading for help.

Do not get discouraged! Some of you say "I know this will take time" , but you're not in it for the long-haul. Sometimes (more often then not), life does not go our way! All of us want instant results, but we don't get them. Why? We are subject to processes. In order to be successful, you must accept this principle. There is nothing you can do to change it. You can speed it up or slow it down based on your attitude and actions, but you are subject to progress being a process. Accept this.

Once you accept this, and go through this process, you must never get too content with yourself or where you are. While it is okay to enjoy establishing your stability or maintaining your current ground, it is also dangerous because the next person will pass you up.


"I believe if you put in the work; eventually the results will come." - Michael Jordan

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Basics: Health, Hunger and Hormones

The purpose of this blog is to provide you with a snapshot look at specific "hunger" or metabolic determining hormones that is essential for a basic understanding of metabolism.

ADIPONECTIN: Found only in adipose (fat tissue); involved in metabolic processes such as glucose regulation and fat storage for energy production. For these reasons, this hormone is correlated to body fat %. 

LEPTIN: A protein that sends signals of satiety (decreases appetite); produced in fat tissue,  regulates energy balance (intake and expenditure), controls food intake & energy expenditure via the receptors of the hypothalamus (signals the brain when the body has had enough to eat).

Some studies indicate that some obese patients are actually leptin-resistant. 

GRHELIN: Signals the stomach that you're hungry (increases appetite); decreases the body's ability to burn fat. 

Some studies indicate that obese patients tend to produce more ghrelin then normal weight patients. 

INSULIN: Regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism; removes excess glucose from the blood and enhances entry of glucose into the cells. Also enhances synthesis of fatty acids & proteins and is produced by the pancreas (fat synthesis).

When not regulated properly; as in diabetes, metabolic syndrome, PCOS, Insulinoma, the blood glucose levels will rise and can have adverse affects on the muscle and fat cells related to glucose absorption (aka glycogen stores and trigylcerides).

CORTISOL: A steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland directly related to stress. Known as the "stress hormone". 

What does this all mean for you?

This is the way that your body works! Quit looking for fad diets, starvation diets, diet pills or miracle drugs to solve your problems. Chances are, if you are experiencing weight issues then you have hormonal imbalances.

Though, there are some supplements out there that may help you in weight and body fat management with use in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. (I am not against supplementation!)

How do you fix your imbalances?

First off, it is very important that your lifestyle allows your body to properly regulate your hormones. Healthy nutrition habits, regular exercise, proper sleep, stress management, and proper fluid are all major preventative measures to avoid any type of hormone imbalances.

Sometimes lifestyle changes may not be enough; especially in cases of disease. It is important to recognize the proper place for drugs and medicines as they pertain to your mental state, your overall health, and your belief systems. 

Imbalances may also be corrected or reduced by alternative medicine therapies.

You can better manage all of these issues and your hormones by:

- Sleeping!!  Sleeping is correlated in several studies to leptin and grhelin production as well as all other hormones in the body. It is also absolutely essential for repair and recovery.

- Eating!! While there is so much to say about eating, I will stick with saying that the first key to eating healthy is actually eating! Keep in mind that different foods yield different chemical reactions in your body; so do not just calorie count, but ensure that you are taking in proper nutrients for your body to perform efficiently whatever your goal!

- Management and prevention of imbalance & disease; which includes: Good nutrition, exercise, fluid intake, and regular doctor check-ups; especially if you have known diseases that affect your metabolism and hormone production.

- If you do have a condition such a diabetes, PCOS, metabolic syndrome, thyroid, etc be sure to take your medication, and have regular blood work to make sure your levels are within normal limits.

- Fuel for performance and fuel based on condition. This means that you must have a knowledge and understanding of your disease, and the recommended dietary guidelines for that condition. Take into consideration for example a diabetic. They must eat at very specified times and have a good carbohydrate balance to avoid complications ; both short-term and long-term. EAT TO LIVE, DO NOT LIVE TO EAT.

- Brain Power!! That's right, the power of your mind. Positive thinking. Stress is a state of mind, and stress affects your body in a very significant way. Be sure to nurture your emotional and mental state. Health goes beyond your physical body.

Something to Think About:

There are several older and newer studies on these hormones; some inconclusive. There is much controversy over metabolism as chemistry is an ever changing science. It is important to understand your body, and educate yourself by professional assistance and credible sources to determine if any of these hormones may be contributory to your metabolic state. 

Consult your doctor for questions about your health. You may receive referrals to a Dietician, Endocrinolgist, or simply be counseled and encouraged to seek out professional assistance to be educated on how to make healthy changes by diet and exercise. Whatever your position, seek out a professional that fits your goals; whether you are a professional or not. Afterall, we all need coaches! 

Educate yourself !


University Of Pennsylvania Medical Center (2004, April 22). Fat Cell Hormone Causes 
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (2004, May 3). Study Detects Protein In Human Milk Linked To Reduced Risk Of Obesity
University Of California - Los Angeles (2004, June 29). Scientists Discover Obesity Disrupts 
American Heart Association (2004, March 8). Metabolic 'Footprint' May Be New Measure Of Obesity Risk In Kids. ScienceDaily. Retrieved 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dieting: Should You do It?

As a trainer, the majority of the emails, texts, and face to face questions that I get revolve around nutrition, dieting, and supplementation.

Dieting means different things to different people; especially in terms of inside of the fitness world and outside.

The dictionary defines DIET like this:

  1. The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
  2. A legislative assembly in certain countries.
Restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight: "it is difficult to diet in a house full of cupcakes".

With this, you can see that a diet (noun) refers to the food that you take in daily. In action (verb), you will see that diet is defined differently: Restriction. In these terms, I would encourage you to view your "diet" as your everyday DIETary habits; aka what you eat daily. You've heard this time and time again, but health is  a lifestyle. While there are several fad diets out there, please consider what your diet currently consists of when seeking information on which "diet" approach would be best for you.

In action, restricting certain foods from your daily diet may or may not be beneficial to your goals. This is where fad diets become a major problem most of the time. Most are extremely restrictive, and do not encourage day-to-day healthy lifestyle changes. In other words, these diets are not long term. So, once you go off of the diet, you may regain all of the weight that you lost / gained because the limitations of the diet were too much for your mind and/or body to adhere to long term. This is what the term yo-yo dieting refers to.

Now, this is not to say that there is not a time or place for restriction. Of course there is! In fact, most of the commonly eaten foods such as pizza, ice cream and sugary sweets should be restricted as often as possible in an day-to-day diet. Restricting such foods is what we refer to as a "healthy approach" that allows us to achieve balanced or a "balanced diet". There are also other instances that dietary restriction can be a good thing.

Consider a diabetic, a renal (kidney) patient, high blood pressure, CVD, a personal with metabolic disease or any other medical condition that requires or does not require medication. Whatever the condition may be, there are specific dietary guidelines that are encouraged in order to manage or prevent exacerbating the disease process.

Another instance for dieting that is extremely common and encouraged is for specific sports performance. Restriction for specific events that require specific weight, body fat, or aesthetic pleasing to be met is very common. Most athletes have their "on season" and "off seasons" where their weight may fluctuate, dependent on their performance demands. This can be accomplished in a healthy way with willpower, discipline and professional assistance. It is not recommended for the average person with average activity levels to go on an athlete's diet because their caloric expenditure and performance requirements differ greatly from that of an average lifestyle American.

There are also concerns with sports specific dieting; however, and research continues to be conducted among athletes who must follow an extremely restrictive diet, and the physiological and psychological affects on long-term eating habits; sometimes causing / correlating to eating disorders.

I am not here to tell you that dieting is good or bad for you, but to encourage you to seek out professional assistance based on your own individualized goal. In order to best be prepared to work with a professional you should do the following:

1) Consider your body response; both mental and physical.
Example: Have you dieted before? Did the diet work for you? If so, why? If not, why?

2) Consider your goals. What are you looking to achieve?

3) WHY are you looking to achieve? The why is just as important as the what.

4) Keep track of your current dietary intake and physical activity. A professional will need to look at these variables in order to best determine your current state of health. Besides, you may be surprised at what you are actually consuming.

Remember: Your "diet" should be custom tailored to you. Every single body is different. If you have a health concern, please be sure to inform your professional coach about it so they can best assist you. If you do not have a professional coach, it is very important to seek medical advice and self educate. 

Exercise alone is not enough. At least 70% of your success will come from your day-to-day dietary habits.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

I WILL SUCCEED because...

Hello again faithful blog followers!! I know you've come here for inspiration today, and will undoubtedly give you something to ponder. First, I would like to say that you don't need inspiration from me today, you need affirmation from yourself. 

We are constantly in seek of approval from others, motivation from others, inspiration from others; while this is not necessarily a bad thing, it can be. What you really need is affirmation to yourself of how great you are. Yes, I said it. YOU ARE GREAT. If you don't believe this about yourself, you will continuously talk about everything you are going to do or want to do, but never actually get the result from doing it. You know why? If you don't believe you can do something that means that somewhere inside you of you are driven by the fear of failing & will never take the risks or put in the work to actually get the result.

To some, you may want to quit reading right now, and not face this truth. I know because I've been there. For the rest of you, continue to read on...

I personally challenge you, as I have recently challenged myself & been challenged by my mentors to affirm your belief in yourself. Affirming is believing. Believing requires faith. Afterall, if you don't have faith in you, then who will? You can NOT be a leader without affirming your abilities to yourself. I am great. You are great, but you must be willing to say that without fear of anything. Who cares what others think. Are they achieving your goals? Are they putting in the work for your dream? Are they successful at what you want to be successful at? 

While it is appropriate to draw motivation and inspiration from external sources, you must also draw it from within yourself.  YOU ARE GREAT. Keep telling yourself that. I AM GREAT. If you have a hard time believing this about yourself, write down all of the reasons why you are great, why you will succeed, and what you want / why you want it. Now, what will it take for you to get there? Is it really that hard? Or is it simple? Chances are that it will take time, hard work, and consistency but it is simple. So, just do it and believe in yourself.

Here are my most recent personal affirmations to myself as an example :

I will succeed because I have the passion and the work ethic to outlast anyone who wants to quit. I do not quit no matter how long it takes me to accomplish something.

My desire is fueled by negatives and positives that attract forces from every lifestyle around me. I am a magnet for success.

The only people who can hang are those who are better then me. The wiser, the experienced , the professional. I do not surround myself with people who 's  focus is not on my level because I cannot grow around them.

I need a challenge. I need people who persevere. The mentality of hard work is that of is no excuses and results driven. The mentality of quitters however is excuse driven with no results and continued failure.

I do not quit. Time is an illusion, so you may not see my glory time yet, but I've already had it. There is no present or future. There is only the now. My timing is not your timing. Your timing is not Gods timing. But Gods timing is my timing. He gave me the desire to be an inspiration. I am fulfilling that desire. What are you doing?

I am not worried about everyone else, and am focused on my mission at hand.

What is it that I truly desire ? That thing I dream about, but are afraid to share because of the naysayers? That thing I've always talked about but never DONE? 

Well, it's what I am doing right now. Being great. 

 I am no longer held back. Instead, I am held to a standard higher then others can comprehend. Others are only using maybe 10% of their brain power. That means I need to use a minimum of 11%. I am educating myself and making the decisions that will allow my lifestyle to be one of success.

In conclusion, you will find over time that your struggle will no longer be saying no to people but saying yes to the right opportunity. You'll have so many offers and you will have to choose what to say YES to. No will be a daily word because of your demand. After all...

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, 
but that we are powerful beyond measure.
It our out LIGHT, not our DARKNESS that most frightens us.

-Marianne Williamson 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Foundation: The Why - Just as Important as The How

Today I was encouraged by my coaches to write down why I am choosing to compete. What is my foundation for what I am doing? Where is my focus? My consistency? So much, yet so simple. So, today I regrouped. I refocused. I revisited my goals and my reasons.

My Reasons for Being a Personal Trainer:

A passion to help others overcome their personal barriers and struggles.
My love of overall health and fitness, and the human body / mind.
A desire to educate others so that they can feel good and live a healthy life.
I enjoy the process or transformation, and the confidence and excitement it brings.
To be an example first hand of overcoming barriers.
To encourage people to focus on positive, and never give up.

Why do I Want to Compete?

To prove to myself that I am strong enough. Willed enough. Disciplined enough.
To experience the satisfaction of victory over myself and others.
To be the best trainer and person I can be & lead by 100% example.
To understand the psychology of the conditioning and training process.
To know what it means to sacrifice, truly work hard, and give my all.
To overcome medical limitations, health concerns and other's perceptions of me.
To rid myself of all negativity, and replace it with persistent work & build confidence.
To believe & follow through.

My Affirmations:


Time is an illusion; therefore, I will overcome any obstacle because I have already won.