Thursday, April 19, 2012

I WILL SUCCEED because...

Hello again faithful blog followers!! I know you've come here for inspiration today, and will undoubtedly give you something to ponder. First, I would like to say that you don't need inspiration from me today, you need affirmation from yourself. 

We are constantly in seek of approval from others, motivation from others, inspiration from others; while this is not necessarily a bad thing, it can be. What you really need is affirmation to yourself of how great you are. Yes, I said it. YOU ARE GREAT. If you don't believe this about yourself, you will continuously talk about everything you are going to do or want to do, but never actually get the result from doing it. You know why? If you don't believe you can do something that means that somewhere inside you of you are driven by the fear of failing & will never take the risks or put in the work to actually get the result.

To some, you may want to quit reading right now, and not face this truth. I know because I've been there. For the rest of you, continue to read on...

I personally challenge you, as I have recently challenged myself & been challenged by my mentors to affirm your belief in yourself. Affirming is believing. Believing requires faith. Afterall, if you don't have faith in you, then who will? You can NOT be a leader without affirming your abilities to yourself. I am great. You are great, but you must be willing to say that without fear of anything. Who cares what others think. Are they achieving your goals? Are they putting in the work for your dream? Are they successful at what you want to be successful at? 

While it is appropriate to draw motivation and inspiration from external sources, you must also draw it from within yourself.  YOU ARE GREAT. Keep telling yourself that. I AM GREAT. If you have a hard time believing this about yourself, write down all of the reasons why you are great, why you will succeed, and what you want / why you want it. Now, what will it take for you to get there? Is it really that hard? Or is it simple? Chances are that it will take time, hard work, and consistency but it is simple. So, just do it and believe in yourself.

Here are my most recent personal affirmations to myself as an example :

I will succeed because I have the passion and the work ethic to outlast anyone who wants to quit. I do not quit no matter how long it takes me to accomplish something.

My desire is fueled by negatives and positives that attract forces from every lifestyle around me. I am a magnet for success.

The only people who can hang are those who are better then me. The wiser, the experienced , the professional. I do not surround myself with people who 's  focus is not on my level because I cannot grow around them.

I need a challenge. I need people who persevere. The mentality of hard work is that of is no excuses and results driven. The mentality of quitters however is excuse driven with no results and continued failure.

I do not quit. Time is an illusion, so you may not see my glory time yet, but I've already had it. There is no present or future. There is only the now. My timing is not your timing. Your timing is not Gods timing. But Gods timing is my timing. He gave me the desire to be an inspiration. I am fulfilling that desire. What are you doing?

I am not worried about everyone else, and am focused on my mission at hand.

What is it that I truly desire ? That thing I dream about, but are afraid to share because of the naysayers? That thing I've always talked about but never DONE? 

Well, it's what I am doing right now. Being great. 

 I am no longer held back. Instead, I am held to a standard higher then others can comprehend. Others are only using maybe 10% of their brain power. That means I need to use a minimum of 11%. I am educating myself and making the decisions that will allow my lifestyle to be one of success.

In conclusion, you will find over time that your struggle will no longer be saying no to people but saying yes to the right opportunity. You'll have so many offers and you will have to choose what to say YES to. No will be a daily word because of your demand. After all...

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, 
but that we are powerful beyond measure.
It our out LIGHT, not our DARKNESS that most frightens us.

-Marianne Williamson 

1 comment:

  1. I love it, like always. Whether I am here to get inspired or not, somehow that is what you always do. Success is a choice we all have but the choice begins from within ourselves not everyone else. We are great and we shouldn't need the approval of someone to know that. Great Post!!
